
LIFE TRANSFORMATION: Refresh & Recharge Retreats with Vivi Letsou

Abhaya Fearless Kids Yoga Teacher Training

Elements of Life

Yoga Life Retreat “Concealment and Revelation”

The Wisdom of the Heart-Sutra: Emptiness with a Heart of Compassion

Bhakti Yoga & Breathwork Meditation Retreat

Awakening the Pulse of Energy: Rocking Yoga Practice, Therapeutics and Music

Breathe – Stretch – Regenerate – Align

A PRANA RETREAT with Petros Haffenrichter

The Circle of the Way: Zen Practice and Yoga

Iyengar Yoga Retreat: From the roots to the sky

Principle-Based Partner Yoga™
Training Level I Training Level II Partner Yoga Retreat for Couples: Coming Home to Love